mach3 cnc

mach3 cnc download - The information below describes typical use of the kit, content, and price. For technical information such as instructions hookup or operation and support, please see the Ajax Mach3 CNC Kit Based Operators Manual (PDF, 3.2MB) or visit the Support Forums AjaxCNC. Thank you.

Now available from Ajax CNC - Simple Mach 3 plug and play-based CNC Control Kit from only $ 1795! Save time and money and do it yourself with a kit specifically designed for you to connect your own PC with Mach3 CNC software via standard Ethernet cable, to a full CNC capabilities. Scroll down for more info and price / book below the video.

Here are the specs to run Mach3 CNC with stable
Mach3 Minimum Requirements:

Desktop (using the parallel port)

* 32-bit versions of Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 Operating System (64-bit will not work)
* 1GHz CPU
* 512MB RAM
* Non-integrated Video Card with 32MB RAM
* Basic Computer Skills (ability to copy / rename files, browsing directories, etc.)

Laptop / Desktop (using an external controller movements)

* Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 Operating System
* 1GHz CPU
* 512MB RAM
* An appropriate external motion controller (option can be found on the Plugins page)
* Basic Computer Skills (ability to copy / rename files, browsing directories, etc.)

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